Tuesday 16 June 2009

Introspection Days

It's difficult sometimes to see the light at the end of a tunnel. This week the radio has been broadcasting a documentary on the issues a group of people are facing now they are unemployed. The programme is dealing with people who have been out of work for a lot longer than me. It's quite a strange feeling listening to others who seem to be experiencing the same kind of hopes and fears. I'm not one of those people who is reassured by the comfort of sharing feelings, hopes and fears, so I wasn't sure about this.

The people all got to spend time with a development coach, and one of them suggested that the person asked some of his friends to tell him something surprising about himself. The idea is that you may find others see in you qualities you fail to see in yourself. I've decided to do a similar thing and picked a selection of people I know in very different contexts so I can get a picture of the person people who know me more through the working environment and the social environment see me. I want to see if there are similarities and also if there are differences in how I behave in different environments. Additionally I'm hoping that some will be honest enough to say, "the thing that frustrates me about you is...". We shall see what the result is. There is every chance that not one of them will even reply. Let's just see what the outcome is.

It's the middle of June for some reason and I'm really not sure where the last few weeks have disappeared to. That said I suppose time is just moving imperceptably along. The sun is shining brightly and I'm supposed to enjoy this but as a fair skinned person I just find it rather uncomfortable. That said, I'll head out and see what the world has in store for me.

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